Five months into this pandemic, and it’s already been proven to us that the COVID-19 is not just an issue of public health and safety. This is more than just protecting ourselves from the virus and keeping our immune systems strong. COVID-19 has also become a disease in our livelihood. Because of the crippling lockdowns in major cities, people can no longer go to work, or at least go with some difficult setbacks like increased cost of transportation or reduced income as the companies’s operations dwindled down.
One of the most important industries that really suffered a blow from the COVID-19 pandemic is the oil industry. This is an important part of our system that needs to be sustained as the oil industry makes sure that every unit in this world is functioning with enough power. Due to the lockdowns and fewer cars on the road, the demand of fuel is at an all-time. Sure, this sounds good because the fuel prices should go down with lower demand. However, this very low supply-to-demand ratio is hurting the industry so bad that the fuel price should go up as a compromise.
Yes, Making Your Own Fuel Is Possible, But You Have To Be Very Responsible In Handling This
You might not know this before, but it is indeed possible to make your own fuel. The thing that this is not being brought up before is that getting your fuel straight from the gas station, whose fuel is coming from the top oil suppliers in the world, is so much easier. But now that the oil industry still has to deal with the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is high time for us to learn how to have our own fuel source right in our own backyard.
The energy-supplying fuel that we are talking about here is called alcohol fuel, or to be more specific, ethanol. This is actually being used in fuel-powered lamps that are displayed in the local hardware. Unlike the fuel that we get from gas stations, ethanol is much more affordable and renewable, thanks to the fact that ethanol can be products within the community, or even in your own yard.
At this point, there is no need to propose a massive-scale ethanol plant that produces this fuel for everyone’s use. What you can do is create enough volume of ethanol for the vehicles and machinery that you own. This way, you can let other people get the available reserve fuel in the market until the situation eases up.
First and foremost, you should get your permit first in your state that you are going to produce ethanol in a makeshift ethanol plant. You can go visit the nearest post office first to send a request letter. Handling this kind of fuel-processing stall comes with great responsibility, and you need to show the authorities that you can do it properly. After that, you can start looking for waste materials like leftover fruits and vegetables. Those rich in sugar are the best in yielding more ethanol during fermentation.