Energy Giants Shell and British Petroleum End Partnership with Russian Oil Companies

The U.S. Treasury Dept is giving entities until May 25, to unload any investment in Russian-issued stocks or bonds as their trade won’t be allowed thereafter. That being the case, energy company Shell has ditched its partnership with Gazprom of Russia as sanctions against the country and its oligarchs have intensified. Shell is ending the Gazprom partnership by selling its 27.5% holdings in Sakhalin-II, its 50% stake in Salym Petroleum Development and its participation in the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project.

Shell CEO Ben van Beurden said that their immediate concern is the safety of their employees in Ukraine and of supporting their staff in Russia. He added that they are in conference with governments around the world, working through business implications and of securing the supplies of energy in Europe and other markets in accordance with the related sanctions.

CEO van Beurden said that like the rest of the world, they deplore Russia’s senseless act of military aggression, resulting not only to loss of life in Ukraine. Russia’s act also threatens European security.

BP Also Unloaded Stake in Rosneft

Actually, Shell’s rival, The British Petroleum Company (BP) had divested its 19.75% holding in a Russian-majority owned oil company named Rosneft.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine had also forced to BP to end it more than 30 years of operating in Russia. The withdrawal included the immediate resignation of BP CEO Bernard Looney and BP executive Bob Dudley from the Rosneft board.

Towing and Fuel Efficiency

The tow truck is an automotive vehicle that uses its power to pull another object or vehicle from one location to another. It typically has a winch for this purpose. The tow truck is often used in emergencies and when there are no other vehicles available.

With a tow truck, you can help others in need of a ride. A tow truck is an important tool for emergencies. You can use it to pull a vehicle from a ditch or a dangerous location. Plus, with proper maintenance and regular fuel efficiency, your car will last for years and not make you spend extra money on fuel.

Tow trucks are used in every city and country to move cars out of the way when they are stuck or broken down. Tow trucks can be a lot of work, especially when they need to carry heavy loads. For example, if you have a car that is too heavy for your tow truck, it may require more fuel to move it.

When you need to tow a car, you are going to need power and torque. Don’t hesitate to use your engine’s full potential when pulling cars or other vehicles. Also, be careful when parking because if you don’t, you can damage the tow truck. Do not also think twice if you need to call an expert like towing Milpitas.

Towing is one of the most stressful things that drivers can experience. You never know when you might need a tow truck and when you do, you don’t want to spend a lot of money.

Here are some easy ways to save money on your next two:

-Drive carefully and always make sure that your car is in good shape. If it’s not, fix it before something goes wrong.

-Don’t drive too fast – remember that speed kills,

-Avoid driving long distances if possible – shorter trips will cost less gas.

-Keep your car tuned up and running smoothly – this will help reduce fuel consumption.

