The word “recycle” would mean to reclaim, refurbish, process again, use again, salvage or save. People have been doing the process of recycling for a long time. Materials and resources can be recycled so that it can be used again. Typically, things that were remade were the ones that were considered important or those that lack in supply. These days, we reuse a lot of things such as papers, cardboard boxes, plastic material, precious metals, solvents, automotive products, home appliances, automobile components, battery packs and organic and natural materials. Reconditioned gadgets like refurbished iPhone7 are now being sold in the market and many testify that it’s as good as the new iPhone7.
Many of these resources are remade since they are lacking and require to be saved, although many other materials are recycled to move them from overflowing landfills or even stop these from being discharged into the natural environment. It is just recently that the concept of recycling where possible as an approach of helping safeguard the environment has grown to be part of our lifestyle.
Can nuclear fuel be recycled?
Yes, fuel can be recycled. However, this is termed reprocessing. The reprocessing approach aims to separate useable materials from the used fuel. These useable materials can be used to create more power for electricity. Reprocessing nuclear fuel successfully accomplishes the goals of recycling. The entire process saves resources and protects the environment too by extending fuel supplies while reducing radioactivity and the amount of waste to be discharged.
The entire reprocessing method is a complex chemical process. These have to be carried out by remote device in protected rooms because of the dangerously high radioactivity from the spent fuel. In this regard, the process should only be done by highly qualified professionals with years of experience.