Study To Reduce Fuel Consumption In Weed And Pest Controls
Environmental pollution, especially air pollution and the resulting climate change, have major problems. Considering that agricultural vehicles using fossil fuels emit a large number of air pollutants, the main purpose of this article is to incorporate fuel reduction technology into the control system of robotic tractors used for agricultural tasks, so as to apply them to robots that emit atmospheric emissions. Automate pollutants.
Weed Control | Pest Control
In order to reach this goal, the analysis of fuel consumption in real-time analysis of fuel consumption. This analysis will have to cover all types of applications that need improvement, taking into account changes in mechanical energy, power loss and the energy used to overcome friction, and the energy required to complete the current task. To calculate the mechanical energy, the model takes into account the potential energy of the system, which is a function of mass, height, and gravity. The altitude of the terrain is estimated based on the GeoTIFF image of DEM data. The pixel size of the image is 1 arc-second (about 30 m at the equator), and the accuracy is an integer meter. Regarding system quality, consider the possible quality loss due to the applied processing. The coefficient of rolling resistance for terrain conditions is used to estimate friction.
As part of the RHEA project, the consumption model was experimentally verified through the use of genuine agricultural vehicles and equipment, which measured immediate fuel consumption.
This fuel-saving method is suitable for three different treatment methods used by a treatment company in Jedah (شركة مكافحة حشرات بجدة): spraying herbicides to control weeds of herbaceous plants, plowing and flame treatment to control weeds of difficult plants that have expanded furrows, and fumigation with pesticides that control pests of trees.
Finally, use the implemented system model to predict energy demand and apply fuel reduction procedures to each task. In this way, the best route plan can be found in terms of fuel consumption. Compare these theoretical results with experimental results. The purpose is also to prove the fuel reduction technology through field experiments, to show that the use of this fuel reduction method can reduce fuel consumption, thereby reducing atmospheric emissions in agricultural production. The results obtained show that this method of reducing fuel greatly reduces energy consumption, thereby reducing fuel consumption and air pollutant emissions.